youmeheshe life

Thursday, October 11, 2007


The Rubbish Dump

Dip 7 of the Architectural Association, tought by Simon Beames and Kenneth Fraser, have produced a video about Burmese migrant workers on a rubbish dump in Thailand. The video can be seen online on Current.

The video reports on the conditions of the Burmese Migrants who work as scavengers in the rubbish dump of Mae Sot, on the Thai-Burmese border. Burma is ruled by a repressive military junta, which has shown little governmental initiative to improve the lives and living condition of its people. Thousands of migrants flee to Thailand for political and economic reason each year. The situation in Burma is so extreme that some choose to live in the hazardous conditions of the rubbish dump. Informal recyclers, especially scavengers, are truly the marginalized groups in Thailand society. They are subject to dangerous and unsanitary working conditions, the majority have no benefits, medical insurance or pension plans. The workers have questionable job stability with little opportunity for educational improvement and next to no opportunity for job advancement. For the Migrants the situation is even worse.

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