youmeheshe life

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


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Tuesday, May 05, 2009


Cutty Sark pavilion featured in Umrisse magazine

Youmeheshe's Cutty Sark Pavilion is featured in the magazine Umrisse - Zeitschrift fur Baukultur, in the special issue Bauen mit Textilien about new fabric architecture.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Youmeheshe France

Youmeheshe has opened an office in France. The address is:

Hotel Beauvallon Office
Bd. des Collines
83120 Sainte Maxime
+33 4 94 55 78 74

The office in France can also be reached via UK landline:
+44 20 7598 8847

Friday, November 14, 2008


New Address

Youmeheshe offices have moved to the following address:

Studio 2
173 Tower Bridge Road

+44 20 7357 6558

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Buckingham Palace

Are those two related?

Friday, January 25, 2008


Heritage Lottery Fund

The Heritage Lottery Fund has granted an additional £10 m to the Cutty Sark Conservation Project. This fund will allow to repair the damage caused by the fire, and it ensures that the restoration and the construction of the Cutty Sark Museum will continue soon. Youmeheshe is very grateful to the Heritage Lottery Fund for further supporting the project. We are very excited to raise the ship from the ashes and to build this amazing museum. It will be the jewel of the Greenwich World Heritage Site, and it is thrilling and a fantastic opportunity for us to design and to work on this project!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


OKO House

Youmeheshe's OKO House now has it's own web address: The site contains all the interesting and necessary information about the house, such as the plans and technical data, and it also shows visualisations of the spaces and an interactive 3d model. Please have a look and browse around!

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Wood Awards 2007

Youmeheshe's Cutty Sark Pavilion has been shortlisted for the Wood Awards 2007. We are thrilled by this great honour and would like to express our gratitude to the jury and also to our client, the Cutty Sark Trust, and the consultants and contractors involved in the project!

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Lecture at Nottingham University

Christoph Klemmt is giving a lecture about the work of Youmeheshe at Nottingham University.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Capn Design

Youmeheshe's Oko-House is featured on Capn Design.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


The Rubbish Dump

Dip 7 of the Architectural Association, tought by Simon Beames and Kenneth Fraser, have produced a video about Burmese migrant workers on a rubbish dump in Thailand. The video can be seen online on Current.

The video reports on the conditions of the Burmese Migrants who work as scavengers in the rubbish dump of Mae Sot, on the Thai-Burmese border. Burma is ruled by a repressive military junta, which has shown little governmental initiative to improve the lives and living condition of its people. Thousands of migrants flee to Thailand for political and economic reason each year. The situation in Burma is so extreme that some choose to live in the hazardous conditions of the rubbish dump. Informal recyclers, especially scavengers, are truly the marginalized groups in Thailand society. They are subject to dangerous and unsanitary working conditions, the majority have no benefits, medical insurance or pension plans. The workers have questionable job stability with little opportunity for educational improvement and next to no opportunity for job advancement. For the Migrants the situation is even worse.

Saturday, September 29, 2007


Dounreay Nuclear Power Plant

Youmeheshe has been asked by The Independent to make a quick sketch proposal for Dounreay Nuclear Power Plant.

What an amazing opportunity. Our vision is to continue generating power for an eco resort adjacent to the site. We see a subtropical paradise of plants and adventure, accelerating the process of climate change, highlighting the effects and acclimatising our population in preparation of the inevitable (and no flights needed). The sphere itself, right, would be dissected at 35 degrees, facing directly south, offering the best orientation for UV light reception. Cladding the interior of the sphere surface in mirrors focused towards a central tower, natural energy would be harnessed. Solar evacuated tubes forming the tower collect the sun's energy in the most efficient way, generating super heated water to power turbines for heating.

Friday, September 28, 2007


Youmeheshe is moving office

From the 1st October 2007 our offices are based in the Cutty Sark Pavilion in Greenwich, London. As explorers of architecture we are moving into our first built project for a period of time. We hope that by experiencing the space we will learn more, and carry any thoughts through into future projects.

Our new postal address is:

Cutty Sark Clipper Ship
King William Walk
SE10 9HT

+44 20 7168 1484

For a map to our new office click here.

We are looking forward to our new office space and certainly welcome any visitors!

Monday, September 17, 2007



The Flyby chair designed by Youmeheshe has been shortlisted by AJ Magazine for their competition Something To Sit On. Out of 50 entries, the judges have picked six designs for the shortlist, which will be exhibited at The Architects' Journal exhibition stand at 100% Design in Earls Court. The winner will be announced at The AJ's reception at 100% Design, on Thursday 20 September 2007.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Scratching The Surface

Youmeheshe's work is covered in the book Scratching The Surface, edited by Andrew Watts. We are featured with the Cutty Sark Restoration Project, the Cutty Sark Pavilion and our Organic House. The book is published by Springer Wien New York.

Monday, August 13, 2007


Short-term gains

Simon Beames has written a column for the RIBA journal, "Short-term gains", which is published in the August edition. "Working on temporary structures allows architects to develop ideas that go beyond the conventional..."

Friday, August 10, 2007


Let’s Generate!

The magazine CAD User has published an article on GenerativeComponents, the latest Microstation pluging to deal with complex geometries. Youmeheshe's Cutty Sark Pavilion is covered in the article as it is the first building which has ever been designed and build using GC.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Citizen K

Youmeheshe's 7.38Hz House is featured in the summer edition of French fashion magazine Citizen K.

Monday, June 11, 2007


London BE Conference

Alastair Townsend presented the Cutty Sark Temporary Pavilion at the Research Seminar of the London Bentley Conference. The pavilion was the first ever project to be build which has been designed using Bentley's Generative Components plug-in.


Scratching the Surface

Youmeheshe will exhibit the Cutty Sark project at the Scratching the Surface exhibition at the Building Centre. The exhibition opens from the 28th of June to the 1st of September.

Monday, June 04, 2007



Youmeheshe's 7.83Hz House is featured in the May edition of EcoTech, the magazine for sustainable architecture today.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Cutty Sark on fire

Yesterday in the early morning the Cutty Sark started burning. A lot of the timber planks got destroyed, but luckily about half of the planks had been removed for restoration before and are safe. Our biggest worry is that the wrought iron frame is damaged, but it i will need a specialists analysis to determine that.

The whole Cutty Sark team is extremely shocked about what has happened. But also we are very determined to raise the Cutty Sark out of its ashes and put it back together again, no matter what effort this takes.

Classic Boat
Gulf News
Gulf Times
Building Design

Monday, April 23, 2007


Cutty Sark Pavilion

On the 12th of April the Cutty Sark Conservation Project Visitor Centre has been opened by Cllr. Chris Roberts, Leader, Greenwich Council. The Cutty Sark Pavilion is the first building to be completed by Youmeheshe, taken from concept design to finished building in just three months. The pavilion has been featured in the last edition of Building Design, Design Week, and has been featured on the BBC London Tonight program.

Friday, March 23, 2007


Sustainable London

Youmeheshe is taking part in the exhibition Sustainable London by New London Architecture. Sustainable London will present the challenge, the response and examples of real progress being made towards a sustainable 21st Century city. The exhibition is hosted at The Building Centre from the 9th of March to the 28th of April 2007.

Friday, March 09, 2007


youmeheshe USA

Due to interest from the United States regarding out 7.83Hz House, youmeheshe is now collaborating with local companies to offer the organic house in the USA. If you are interested in building a 7.83Hz house in the States or if you have any other queries please send us an email to or contact us by phone:

youmeheshe New York: (646) 797-3144
youmeheshe San Francisco: (415) 367-3612


Dwell Magazine

This month Dwell magazine in the United States in featuring out 7.83Hz House.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Identity Magazine

The Cutty Sark project is featured in the December issue of Identity magazine, the leading magazine for interiours, design and property in the United Arab Emirates.

Monday, January 15, 2007


Youmeheshe Company Information

Studio 4 The Cooperage
91 Brick Lane
E1 6QL
+44 20 7168 1484

Company No. 5561817
VAT No. 867 7239 73


Row Houses

Our 7.83Hz house is featured in a nice online article on The article discusses the beauty and the advantages of terraced houses, with our design as a modern version of this well established urban organisation.


Hab Homes

Youmeheshe has been shortlisted to the final round of 9 offices for Kevin McCloud's Hab Homes project. Hab Homes explores new possibilities in prefabricated housing design, and our 7.83Hz House provides an amazing ecologic and organic solution for everyone.

Monday, January 08, 2007


Pocket Magazine

Italian lifestyle and fashion magazine Pocket published our 7.83Hz Modular House in their June edition: Pocket Magazine.

Thursday, December 21, 2006



The new website of our partner firm Mikecon has gone online. Mikecon specialises in the construction with sustainable materials, and we are looking forward to further increase our collaboration.

Friday, December 08, 2006



Youmeheshe pictures in high quality can be found on Flickr. The renderings are of the 7.83Hz Modular House and the Norwegian Wood competition, of the Cutty Sark Museum and of the Cutty Sark Pavilion. Thanks to Alastair for the hosting!



Our video of the Cutty Sark Project can now be seen online at Youtube. Newest images of the Cutty Sark Museum in Greenwich, London, straight out of the architect's office.

Friday, November 10, 2006


The Guardian

On the 6th of November the Cutty Sark has been featured in The Guardian. The article is also available online.

Thursday, October 05, 2006



This week has been a great week for youmeheshe in terms of publicity. We have been featured in the RIBA journal, Building Design and the Architect's Journal, and we are in the Blackheath Guide. Further more the Cutty Sark Project was presented in ITV's London Tonight show, and our client for this project pressed the button on the lottery machine on Saturday. Our friend's comment: "It's so annoying, whatever magazine I'm opening there's you inside!" Well, thank you very much to everyone who helped us with this!

Friday, September 29, 2006


Simon teaches AA Dip7

The 2006/2007 academic year is the first year that Simon Beames is diploma unit master at the Architectural Association School of Architecture. Simon is running Dip 7 together with Kenneth Fraser, the other members of youmeheshe are available for assistance. The unit is exploring the philosophical, social, political, economic and technical response to long term disaster relief and the re-socialisation of children in conditions of extreme hardship.

Monday, September 25, 2006


Heritage Lottery Fund Approved

YOUMEHESHE and the Cutty Sark Trust are very grateful for the final approval of the Heritage Lottery Fund for the Cutty Sark Conservation Project. The project will go on site in October, and the new museum and the Cutty Sark are due to re-open in 2008. For the press release please click here.

Monday, August 07, 2006


Norwegian Wood

YouMeHeShe got short listed for the Norwegian Wood competition. A residential development in Stavanger is to be designed using wood as the main construction material.

Friday, June 30, 2006



And now you can also find us on treehugger:


Time Magazine

Youmeheshe has been published in Time Magazine on Sunday, 16-04-2006:

Friday, June 23, 2006


Pecha Kucha

YouMeHeShe are pleased to announce that we will be presenting our work on the next Pecha Kucha night at the RCA in London, on the 30th of August.It would be great to see you there!




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